Dear friends! Like we told you before, the program of Ragnard Reborn Nove Kolo festival will include not only music. So now we proudly present a special guest of the event – for the first time in Ukraine, the legendary READ MORE

Ragnard Reborn – Nove Kolo
Dear friends! Like we told you before, the program of Ragnard Reborn Nove Kolo festival will include not only music. So now we proudly present a special guest of the event – for the first time in Ukraine, the legendary READ MORE
The time has come to make a final band announcement for Ragnard Reborn Nove Kolo festival line-up – and this is legendary Finnish black metal brigade Horna Official ! While many famous representatives of second wave of black metal from READ MORE
Today we’re thrilled to reveal the next name in line-up of the festival – the one and only Zemial! The unique project was started in ancient year of 1989 in Greece by its sole author Archon Vorskaath and created a READ MORE
Ulvegr is a project, led by Helg, one of the busiest musicians on Ukrainian metal scene, and dedicated to black metal in its classic, pure and orthodox form. After three albums of traditional Nordic black metal in 2017 Ulvegr made READ MORE
Today we proudly declare the next participants of the festival – legendary Norwegian horde Hades Almighty! They came to this world under Hades moniker in the very beginning of the nineties in Bergen, and their history is inseparably connected with READ MORE
The next band that is going to hit the stage at Ragnard Reborn Nove Kolo fest is Selvans from Italy. The group was formed in 2014 upon the ashes of another pagan black metal horde, Draugr, and became the long-awaited READ MORE
Grift is a one man project from rural Sweden, which performs original music fitting into melancholic black metal category. Its discography, released mostly through unique Swedish label Nordvis Produktion, contains two full-length records and a handful of EP’s and splits, READ MORE
We are delighted to reveal another one participant of Ragnard Reborn Nove Kolo – the legendary GODS TOWER from the vast swamplands of Belarus. The veterans of metal scene started their way back in 1989 and had many glorious and READ MORE
A topic of strong connection between metal and European academic music (also known as classical music) is popular since the eighties, but still there are very few musicians who are able to prove this connection. One of them is Nikola READ MORE
Today we resume the bands announcements, and the first name in the line is Nocturnal Depression. Formed in 2004 in Grenoble, these Frenchmen quickly established the status of one of the most significant representatives of depressive black metal genre and READ MORE